Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Unfolding

This blogging thing is new to me- I mean I know what blogs are of course, and I love them, but I'm usually the one reading them, not creating them! I really never thought this would be something I'd want to do- always seemed like waaaay too much work to me.

But then in August I started on this really awesome and strange journey learning about channeling and since then I've started to acquire quite a collection of channeled writings. I've been emailing them to people I thought might be open and interested to it...and to my surprise and delight, I've found that list of open people to be a growing one. It seems that more and more people are waking up to the idea that we are waking up- which is a really cool thing to be part of, this earth awakening! 

Today my father asked if I would want to start saving the messages online and I guess I've decided it would probably be a much more efficient way of saving and sharing what comes through. I'm nervous about it, though- really, really, really nervous! The heart-beating-out-of-my-chest sort of nervous! It's the same issue I encounter when I'm channeling messages, the same little bugger that's been brewing storms since childhood...self-confidence. That is the boulder for me to crawl over, my stumbling block in most instances in life, really. I'm nervous about how I will be judged for what I've been practicing, I wonder how weird people will think I am for practicing this channeling thing, or what people will think about the messages that come through to me, and I worry a ton about how they will react to a message that they've asked for and received. You'd think I'd be over caring what people think, now that I'm pushing 40, but I'm very much a work in progress in many areas and this is a huge one for me. 
This idea of channeling was something so strange to me when I first heard of it from my brother, and I remember thinking it was cool, but strange and "out there". Eventually curiosity got me and I attended my first channeling class in Aug 2015, delivered an unexpected but well-received message for a classmate, and experienced first hand how truly cool it is. I've been hooked ever since. Channeling- being connected to the divinity within you, your higher self, and with your guides, and angels, and archangels- and having them work through you in whatever medium you use...well, there just aren't words for what that experience feels like. Some people say it feels like coming home, true bliss, pure love. Yes, all those words work, I suppose, but it's something much more palpable too, if there is such a thing. Some things you just cannot un-know, un-see, un-hear, un-feel...and gratefully, I have reached a point of no return; it would be easier for me to pretend that my hands and feet don't exist than it would for me to pretend that I don't know, see, hear, and feel what it is happening inside me with this new activity of channeling- and truly what's happening in all of us on earth right now as everyone's starting to awaken. I went out in search of questions. I texted friends and asked them to send me questions, and to ask their friends to send me questions. I asked some of my own questions (which is much harder for me I've found). I still have some queued up to answer, but I'm always on the lookout for more questions to practice with. 

When I channel, I start by meditating and at some point I can feel myself merge with what I only know as a loving, warm light. I literally feel swaddled in light and love, much like I imagine a baby feels all swaddled up against her mother. Some people who channel are aware of who they are channeling- a specific guide or spirit, a collective consciousness, angels or archangels. I have no idea. I've had some luck with mediumship and visiting spirits but  for me, that is not the same experience I have when I channel whoever it is I channel. I've asked and I get no name, no image, nothing like that- just the feeling and knowing that I am held and loved. And that is enough for me- it's absolutely perfect. Somehow I know that I'm not ready to know more than that and I'm sure that's precisely why I don't get more than that! I'm sure if I did know exactly what energy I was channeling, my left brain would take over and want to do research every time, And the energy changes- sometimes it comes through as soft and gentle and loving, sometimes with a fierceness and almost an impatience. I love it every time.  

Some people channel through their hands, many of them are healers or artists, Some people channel through their voice. I mostly channel through writing and typing, but I've been challenged lately to start relying on my voice more. Sometimes when I'm channeling questions for other people, I get images and messages come more like a story or a vision. Although I am conscious when I'm receiving messages, I'm not generally aware of the message that is coming through me- I catch a few words here and there, but I'm generally just as surprised as the receiver when I listen or read what has come through. I know my pen is moving or my fingers are typing on the keyboard, or my mouth is moving and sound is coming out, but my brain is somehow removed from the equation except for these functions. When I write or type, I sometimes have my eyes open and I can feel myself somewhat fixated on watching my fingers fly across the paper or keyboard, Sometimes when type I have my eyes closed and this is always a wonder to me since I use the hunt and peck method- it astounds me every time to look at something I've typed (mostly legibly) with my eyes closed. The few times that I have tried to voice channel without doing any writing or typing, I have a constant fluttering in my eyes and my hands want to be in constant motion- and those are the bodily movements I find myself fixated on as the message comes. Almost like my brain needs a distraction, a point of fixation in order to bring through a clear message from my heart, my source! For now, I seem to be most comfortable with writing. I have channeled through my voice a few times, and I will post transcripts of those. To listen to myself as I transcribe those voice channels, though, is painfully slow and brings up all kids of self-doubt and insecurities- I speak soooooo softly and slowly. At times I've literally had to replay the recording a dozen times at places in order to hear the word or phrase I said!  

The beauty of these messages that I will post here, and why I will share them even though they might not be a question that was asked specifically on your behalf, is that the underlying themes are universal. While there are specifics and synchronicities that make each message unique to the one meant to receive it- almost as a stamp of recognition for the receiver to know it's their message- there is also an underlying truth to everything that comes through. It's been the highlight of this experience  for me to see the common threads across messages that come for me and those that I receive for others. The message is consistently clear- we are all connected, we are all waking up, and we are deeply supported in love through this process. I hope you resonate with what you read here! But if you don't resonate with any parts of it, don't work too hard at it- skip over those parts and take away what's meant for you. You'll know right away what fits for you and what doesn't! You'll always know. 

If you have questions or something you'd like guidance on, I'd love to try to help. If you submit a question for me to seek guidance on, the only promise that I'll make- to you and to the source I'm receiving from- is that I will be honest with what comes through and trust that it's meant for you to receive it as it comes through, with only what will serve your highest good. 
Also, please understand when you ask the question, that I will post the response I receive on this public site- with any identifying information removed of course. After all, the answers you receive really are meant for all of us at some point in our journey, as connected as we are!   

Love and blessings to you on this awesome journey!  


  1. OMG, your messages are so perfect and thank you for your bravery, indeed, it is pioneers like you that the world needs now. Thank you for communicating the beautiful honest words.
