Thursday, October 1, 2015

September 28, 2015 Q: What is the message I need to hear today?

Q. What is the message I need to hear today?
(This was the 2nd time I did voice channel...8 minutes it took me to say this. Soooo slow and quiet! It's so weird to listen to yourself being not really the same self you've gotten used ot listening to)

A. You are so very supported at this time. Your planet has many walls that are falling; walls that you have created, walls that have served their purpose. This will not be always an easy time. But if you sit in your knowing, in your divinity, and in your understanding that you ARE supported, and loved in every moment and all is exactly as it should be. You have created everything that you see. Everything has been put into this world, into this earth plane, to support you to your highest evolution. So many are watching and are excited for what the earth is doing. It is our highest pleasure to support you in all that you’re going through. Call on us in your time of need. It is not truly a need, but we are here to support you. We are the light and the love that lives within you. We are all part of this creation together. Seek not those things that are before you as a means to distract you from your true goal. Seek love in all choices before you. Fear continuously will bring you more fear. You will continue to create fear when you make choices from fear. And yet, we will support you in transmuting those creations towards your highest evolution. It is important for you to choose love in order to create in love. We remind you again, in every moment, you are supported. In this moment now, as you sit unsure and doubtful, you are supported. You need not choose fear in this moment, for you ARE love. You give love, and we support you. We see you, all that life is offering you. Look around you in gratitude. Every moment, every experience, is one that brings you into your highest evolution. Look before you at the creatures and beings, also created in love. Recognize the love within them.  On your earth plane, the walls will crumble, change will happen. It is necessary change and you will be called to support others in your light and in your love. Choose love, not fear. Divisions will fall. Control will end. For some, this will provoke fear. You must remember to choose love.  Remember your source. Remember who you are and rest in love.  

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