Thursday, October 1, 2015

August 21-29, 2015 Am I on the Right Path? I would like guidance on my soul's purpose

Q: Am I on the right path? I would like guidance on my soul's purpose.

Experience everything that interests you- explore and do not be afraid of any and all emotions. Surrender to your fears and allow yourself to explore your inner guidance to help you choose the correct path. Trust, do not doubt. Surrender to doubt and know that you are held in light and love. No harm can come to you. Create with joy in your heart all that you desire and all of humanity will benefit from your joyful creation.  Love, love, love all that you are deeply, all that has made you, everything that you have created! Look around you at all you have created- both the beautiful and the ugly have all been for a purpose to get you to this point. Trust that you can only have everything that life intends for you. Trust that love and life holds every experience you have ever dreamed of. Have no fear, surrender to your fears. Go forth and create without hesitation.

Stand up and receive what is yours, do not hesitate. Do not be sustained one moment by your fear of judgement. Allow all that is in you to be one with source, to let in all that is your true self. Let your voice be heard and do not delay- for wondering, thinking, of judgement of what you think the world expects you to be. Be in your mind not! Be one with the all that is meant to be, to unfold without needing to comprehend how it is to unfold. Time is not an answer you need to have. Time is an illusion that you have in this game only. Relax into who you are. 
Be strong and courageous, this is not a game that is for weak ones and you certainly are not weak. You are strong, stand in your power. Be not afraid to confront the emotions that you have forward for so long. Live courageously and be the golden light for those who will look to you for guidance and strength. Arm yourself with love and courageously move towards the light that dwells within you.
Your power is great, fueled by the source that is all enveloping- your hands are powerful and your love is unequaled. The universal energy of love and light surrounds you in all you do. Love the power that is within you, but also love the difficult emotions that are within you deeply, for all are equal expressions of the energy that is source and they need your healing power. From this inner healing will come the greatest healing ever. I will heal you but you must allow. I will heal you with the greatest love- receive dear one all that I have. I love you like no other, you are mine. Allow me in, and receive my light and my healing. You are mine. You will do wonders. You are amazing.

The spark of divinity within you is igniting and shining forth a light for all to see, but it is not yet the brightness that you intend. It is exciting to see you unfolding, as the love that pours forth is recognized as the love that exists within you, as your true source. It is you. All of it is you, a reflection of this true love. To recognize this spark, this divinity that exists in all that surrounds you- in nature, in others, in creative energies that flow between you and through all that you are is the true source at work, this is love embodied. We urge you to seek more this spark within all that you encounter, blind yourself with the love that exists in the world, recognize ALL as love even that which seems unlovable.  ALL is love. Recognize that only love exists that there is never and will never be more than that source love. You are an instrument of this love, as is all creation- a medium for divine inspiration. Be the light that others seek so desperately- be bold, be brave, and be loud.  This is not an easy task for there is much hurt, much pain, much fear- yet ALL is love. All is seeking source love. All is dressed up as something different holding a space for the love that lives deep within- you must be brave to draw this light out of all that exists around you but your task lies only within you. You must seek first these places within and reveal the light that lives to emerge as the brightest flame in existence.

You recognize who you are and what you are being called to do but you allow judgement to dwarf and stop your movement forward. This is all part of the process, the process that you have come here to participate in and have agreed to undertake. It is all perfect and it is all as it should be. There is no right time, for there is no time at all, only what you perceive. There is no one right way, but many ways to experience the joy that you seek. It is all within you, always only with you, but you seek it outside of yourself, looking for validation from those around you and from the experiences that you manifest. You will not find true joy there and so thus these things become a disappointment to you. Again, this is part of the process and disappointment is one of the many emotions that you need resolution and care to dissolve.  You are complete and perfect just as you are, but it is difficult for you to see you perfection when it is guarded by all these emotions that you perceive to be here to protect you. You are safe always. You are loved always. Always you are perfectly loved and safe. You have chosen this. You will come to see and stand in your power as you are willing to allow, and receive all that has been provided for you, all that is truly known to you.   

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