Thursday, October 1, 2015

September 17, 2015 Q:What message can I give to my mom who is in pain and what is the pain’s purpose in her life?

Q. What message can I give to my mom who is in pain and what is the pain’s purpose in her life? 
(This was my very first voice channel experience- I found my voice to be very soft and slow as I was transcribing the 9 minutes it took me to say this!) 
A. Hold your pain, as you would hold a small child. Nurture it, nurture yourself, your inner child. Don’t pretend it doesn’t hurt or shame yourself for hurting. But send yourself love, nurture, and care for this body, the divine that has manifested into form. Do not wait to be healed. Do not look forward to your healing. But instead, love the one who is in pain, who is inconvenienced, who is frustrated and angry and fearful. It is ok to feel all of those things, those are experiences you having. They are not who you are. Who you are is a child of God. Who you are is a manifestation of the Christ consciousness. It is not always easy or convenient to be this Christed energy manifest into human form. However, it does not need to be difficult. You do create around you what you are in agreement with, what is in your vibrational path, through the vibrations that you are creating. It is through your intention to raise your vibration that you will call forward to yourself those things that you agree with. Therefore, if you choose to have things and situations and circumstances, you must vibrate at that frequency. The highest frequency is love. The opposite is fear. It is not possible to be in both fear and in love. The pain, the inconvenience, the suffering that you feel, you feel because of the vibration that you are operating at. It is not possible then at that same time to feel the frequency of love that would pull forward to you the joy and ease that is intended for you, that is yours to claim.  Therefore, we suggest to you that it is in your well-being, your best interest, your highest evolution, to explore what it is you are experiencing through the lens of love. We are not saying to pretend as if what is inconvenient or what is painful is something that is of love, because it is not. What we are suggesting is that, as you experience these things that are inconvenient, these things that are not of love, that you attempt to experience them completely and to not love the experience but to love the being, the Christ consciousness manifest as you, as the being who is experiencing them. We say to you, you are not able to love something that is at a low frequency. We are not asking you to love pain, to love suffering, to love fear. That is not possible. Instead, we are asking you to love the being who experiences the pain, the suffering, the fear, and the shame of experiencing those things is also something important to explore. Allow your being to experience all of these feelings. Allow your being to be brought to tears. As you weep, as you shed these fears, these feelings of shame, pain, suffering, you will be reminded of the support, the love, and the well-being that is constantly available to you. You will be reminded who you are and how it is that you were meant to be. You will be reminded of the love that is with you even amidst the experiences of suffering and pain. This is the work that we do. You are supported. You are loved.      

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