Thursday, October 1, 2015

September 30, 2015 Q. What would my higher self like me to do about my experiences at the sacred tree?

Q. What would my higher self like me to do about my experiences at the sacred tree?

(This was much different than the way I typically receive I have to say- this message came more as a story and images rather than just words that I usually get, which was cool but confusing )

A: Move forward to the tree, embrace the tree, and walk slowly around the tree feeling its majesty and strength- its ancient and sacred truths. As you walk around the tree, you feel its strength but you also notice the nurturing and nourishment that it calls out for; you see that it needs trimming, and you notice that some roots are old and brittle, some others are tangled, and that they need help to reach deeper into the earth. You know that you will be supported in caring for this sacred tree, and you fearlessly call on your guides for support in this work, asking the tree to release all that is not divine and for the highest good. You ask it to release all that holds you back from forward growth and well-being in your life. You go to work, experiencing endless love and energy as you dig your hands deep into the soil around the tree, smelling and feeling the cool moist soil beneath the ground. As you work, you notice immediately how balanced the tree starts to become. Feeling energized, holding in your hands the dry brittle roots that stretch into the earth, you the feel their need to for nourishment. You support them in stretching deeper, deeper, deeper into mother earth, seeking the strength and wisdom of the ancestors as the nourishment they need. You watch as they grow deeper and stronger with every touch. The new roots you notice above ground are tangled and you support them in gently separating and pressing them into the earth, where they unwrap, releasing all anxiety and worry deep to your core, finding your inner strength. Old patterns, unhealthy relationships, and all your fears are released as the roots separate and grow deeper. You feel safe and secure here and you notice the nourishment moving up through the tree and into its branches. It reaches up as energy runs through it, reaching higher and higher, stretching to the light and sending out new branches, new strength and vitality, blossoming in ways unimaginable. The energy of the earth encourages this growth and supports you in releasing all that is old and no longer needed. It’s blossoming, stronger and more balanced than ever before, able to withstand any storm that may come its way. It serves as safe harbor for others around it. It thanks you for your great work and asks you to visit often, and continue to care for it deeply. The tree has provided you with a key as a gift of gratitude for the healing you have provided to it, and as you hold this key dear your heart, you will continue to feel relaxed and content within your true knowing. You will visit this tree often, caring for it as you seek to extend your light and healing to others who will follow you.

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