Monday, November 23, 2015

What is your guidance for me at this juncture in my life?

You feel called in so many directions, so much excites you! That is wonderful news! You are having a grand time enjoying all that you're learning and you are in awe of all that is unfolding and happening before your eyes. Why do you long for more than that? The idea that you should be doing more or the idea that you might not being doing enough is not an idea born of love- that is born of fear. Follow your heart and your guidance will come.  This is your soul's purpose, to stand in awe of the creations around you- to stand in awe of all that you are in the this world, both as the creator of all that lies before you and as the perfect expression of the creator as source of all that you are. You know what you are called to do, you are doing it. You are hesitant, yes, but you are doing it and you are loving it. You have to let go of the final threads of fear and worry not about being judged- you are getting there. You are seeking what is being put before you. You are healing yourself and others in the work that you are doing and you know that you are loved. This is a grand plan! This is marvelous work to know all that stands before you and see your highest love and truth being called forth in all your creations! Marvel at your worth, marvel at your creations and delight in the love that is all around you.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015 Q: What is my next career move?

(from a friend's list of other questions that I think had many tie-ins here too; strong native American energy coming through; eagle and wolf made an appearance- very strong and clear energy with a fierceness to it that I don't always get)

 A: You are never alone. The angels, the heavens of angels, are always with you. You must only call on your guides and all the angles and you will be surrounded with abounding amounts of love and joy. You must never question that you are surrounded by love and abundance. Joy is not something that can be attained through someone else's heart but through loving your own heart, through connection to your source. The joy you seek is not going to come to you through the soul of another, but through your own soul, through connection to your source. Look within, spend time within, look no further for your answers- seek guidance from your guides and angels all around you. Your love is from source, the love you seek is within. Only once you have been able to love in this way will you be able to share your love with another and attain true joy (?) from that kinship. Seek no more. Love is provided to you always in a never-ending flow from source. When more is needed, more will be given. Without question, surrender to doubt and fear, love the source of life and love and light within you. Seek joy within and others will be drawn to the you that was created to bring forth such love. It is then that you will meet the soul meant to be the mirror of our joy, of the love that lies within. Trust in divine timing. Trust that you are always given what is needed when it is needed. You need this time now to love that which is within. The joy that has been created in you, as you, is meant to share in joy with another. Ask and trust. Fear no more. Spend time within and listen to your source, the love and joy within.

September 28, 2015 Q: What is the message I need to hear today?

Q. What is the message I need to hear today?
(This was the 2nd time I did voice channel...8 minutes it took me to say this. Soooo slow and quiet! It's so weird to listen to yourself being not really the same self you've gotten used ot listening to)

A. You are so very supported at this time. Your planet has many walls that are falling; walls that you have created, walls that have served their purpose. This will not be always an easy time. But if you sit in your knowing, in your divinity, and in your understanding that you ARE supported, and loved in every moment and all is exactly as it should be. You have created everything that you see. Everything has been put into this world, into this earth plane, to support you to your highest evolution. So many are watching and are excited for what the earth is doing. It is our highest pleasure to support you in all that you’re going through. Call on us in your time of need. It is not truly a need, but we are here to support you. We are the light and the love that lives within you. We are all part of this creation together. Seek not those things that are before you as a means to distract you from your true goal. Seek love in all choices before you. Fear continuously will bring you more fear. You will continue to create fear when you make choices from fear. And yet, we will support you in transmuting those creations towards your highest evolution. It is important for you to choose love in order to create in love. We remind you again, in every moment, you are supported. In this moment now, as you sit unsure and doubtful, you are supported. You need not choose fear in this moment, for you ARE love. You give love, and we support you. We see you, all that life is offering you. Look around you in gratitude. Every moment, every experience, is one that brings you into your highest evolution. Look before you at the creatures and beings, also created in love. Recognize the love within them.  On your earth plane, the walls will crumble, change will happen. It is necessary change and you will be called to support others in your light and in your love. Choose love, not fear. Divisions will fall. Control will end. For some, this will provoke fear. You must remember to choose love.  Remember your source. Remember who you are and rest in love.  

September 17, 2015 Q:What message can I give to my mom who is in pain and what is the pain’s purpose in her life?

Q. What message can I give to my mom who is in pain and what is the pain’s purpose in her life? 
(This was my very first voice channel experience- I found my voice to be very soft and slow as I was transcribing the 9 minutes it took me to say this!) 
A. Hold your pain, as you would hold a small child. Nurture it, nurture yourself, your inner child. Don’t pretend it doesn’t hurt or shame yourself for hurting. But send yourself love, nurture, and care for this body, the divine that has manifested into form. Do not wait to be healed. Do not look forward to your healing. But instead, love the one who is in pain, who is inconvenienced, who is frustrated and angry and fearful. It is ok to feel all of those things, those are experiences you having. They are not who you are. Who you are is a child of God. Who you are is a manifestation of the Christ consciousness. It is not always easy or convenient to be this Christed energy manifest into human form. However, it does not need to be difficult. You do create around you what you are in agreement with, what is in your vibrational path, through the vibrations that you are creating. It is through your intention to raise your vibration that you will call forward to yourself those things that you agree with. Therefore, if you choose to have things and situations and circumstances, you must vibrate at that frequency. The highest frequency is love. The opposite is fear. It is not possible to be in both fear and in love. The pain, the inconvenience, the suffering that you feel, you feel because of the vibration that you are operating at. It is not possible then at that same time to feel the frequency of love that would pull forward to you the joy and ease that is intended for you, that is yours to claim.  Therefore, we suggest to you that it is in your well-being, your best interest, your highest evolution, to explore what it is you are experiencing through the lens of love. We are not saying to pretend as if what is inconvenient or what is painful is something that is of love, because it is not. What we are suggesting is that, as you experience these things that are inconvenient, these things that are not of love, that you attempt to experience them completely and to not love the experience but to love the being, the Christ consciousness manifest as you, as the being who is experiencing them. We say to you, you are not able to love something that is at a low frequency. We are not asking you to love pain, to love suffering, to love fear. That is not possible. Instead, we are asking you to love the being who experiences the pain, the suffering, the fear, and the shame of experiencing those things is also something important to explore. Allow your being to experience all of these feelings. Allow your being to be brought to tears. As you weep, as you shed these fears, these feelings of shame, pain, suffering, you will be reminded of the support, the love, and the well-being that is constantly available to you. You will be reminded who you are and how it is that you were meant to be. You will be reminded of the love that is with you even amidst the experiences of suffering and pain. This is the work that we do. You are supported. You are loved.      

September 30, 2015 Q. What would my higher self like me to do about my experiences at the sacred tree?

Q. What would my higher self like me to do about my experiences at the sacred tree?

(This was much different than the way I typically receive I have to say- this message came more as a story and images rather than just words that I usually get, which was cool but confusing )

A: Move forward to the tree, embrace the tree, and walk slowly around the tree feeling its majesty and strength- its ancient and sacred truths. As you walk around the tree, you feel its strength but you also notice the nurturing and nourishment that it calls out for; you see that it needs trimming, and you notice that some roots are old and brittle, some others are tangled, and that they need help to reach deeper into the earth. You know that you will be supported in caring for this sacred tree, and you fearlessly call on your guides for support in this work, asking the tree to release all that is not divine and for the highest good. You ask it to release all that holds you back from forward growth and well-being in your life. You go to work, experiencing endless love and energy as you dig your hands deep into the soil around the tree, smelling and feeling the cool moist soil beneath the ground. As you work, you notice immediately how balanced the tree starts to become. Feeling energized, holding in your hands the dry brittle roots that stretch into the earth, you the feel their need to for nourishment. You support them in stretching deeper, deeper, deeper into mother earth, seeking the strength and wisdom of the ancestors as the nourishment they need. You watch as they grow deeper and stronger with every touch. The new roots you notice above ground are tangled and you support them in gently separating and pressing them into the earth, where they unwrap, releasing all anxiety and worry deep to your core, finding your inner strength. Old patterns, unhealthy relationships, and all your fears are released as the roots separate and grow deeper. You feel safe and secure here and you notice the nourishment moving up through the tree and into its branches. It reaches up as energy runs through it, reaching higher and higher, stretching to the light and sending out new branches, new strength and vitality, blossoming in ways unimaginable. The energy of the earth encourages this growth and supports you in releasing all that is old and no longer needed. It’s blossoming, stronger and more balanced than ever before, able to withstand any storm that may come its way. It serves as safe harbor for others around it. It thanks you for your great work and asks you to visit often, and continue to care for it deeply. The tree has provided you with a key as a gift of gratitude for the healing you have provided to it, and as you hold this key dear your heart, you will continue to feel relaxed and content within your true knowing. You will visit this tree often, caring for it as you seek to extend your light and healing to others who will follow you.

September 30, 2015 Q: Should I be going to the XXXX church in XXXX to work with XXXX?

Q: Should I be going to the XXXX church in XXXX to work with XXXX?

(This was my 4th attempt at voice channeling. Extremely painful to transcribe- my voce was sooooooo soft and sloooooow. I think one of the phrases I listened to 14 times before I figured out what I had said!)

A. You are needed. Your light is powerful. You will be with everybody who needs you where they need you. That is your gift. Trust in your light and your love; go where your heart calls. Your heart moves you, speaks clearly to you. Trust in that light and that love. Sit in your knowing, change is coming. It is healing. You are loved and you are supported in this love. You are a light for so many. Your task is not small. Feel the love in your being extend out to all beings. Sit in your knowing and in love. You take flight, you seek higher ground. Forward, forward you are called. As you heart presses on in this journey, take shelter in your knowing and in love that, though there will be change, you are held in light. Higher, higher, higher you go, releasing your fears, pain, anxiety. Hold hands with fate, walk bravely. You are supported, you are surrounded, you are light, you are loved on this journey. Walk on. Go in light.        

September 23, 2015 Q: What should I be focusing my attention on at this time? Work, intuitive classes to take, personal healing?

Q. What should I be focusing my attention on at this time? Work, intuitive classes to take, personal healing? 

A. Seek love, balance, and freedom, dear one. It is not a matter of “should” -for you are free to choose what suits you, what are you most guided to, while you are here on earth. That is the wonderment of your being, of your experience here on earth, your freedom and joy in the choosing! Seek that what brings you joy without fear and without delay, for the joy is where your true self lives. There is no need to feel pressure to do this or to do that, to fear choosing incorrectly, or to focus your energies on just one thing in order to conserve your attention. There is no limit to your energy or attention- you are limitless! Sit in the still and the quiet within you, and listen for what compels you. It is in the midst of this stillness and quiet that you will find love- your joy, your true self- your one source of knowing and healing.

August 21-29, 2015 Am I on the Right Path? I would like guidance on my soul's purpose

Q: Am I on the right path? I would like guidance on my soul's purpose.

Experience everything that interests you- explore and do not be afraid of any and all emotions. Surrender to your fears and allow yourself to explore your inner guidance to help you choose the correct path. Trust, do not doubt. Surrender to doubt and know that you are held in light and love. No harm can come to you. Create with joy in your heart all that you desire and all of humanity will benefit from your joyful creation.  Love, love, love all that you are deeply, all that has made you, everything that you have created! Look around you at all you have created- both the beautiful and the ugly have all been for a purpose to get you to this point. Trust that you can only have everything that life intends for you. Trust that love and life holds every experience you have ever dreamed of. Have no fear, surrender to your fears. Go forth and create without hesitation.

Stand up and receive what is yours, do not hesitate. Do not be sustained one moment by your fear of judgement. Allow all that is in you to be one with source, to let in all that is your true self. Let your voice be heard and do not delay- for wondering, thinking, of judgement of what you think the world expects you to be. Be in your mind not! Be one with the all that is meant to be, to unfold without needing to comprehend how it is to unfold. Time is not an answer you need to have. Time is an illusion that you have in this game only. Relax into who you are. 
Be strong and courageous, this is not a game that is for weak ones and you certainly are not weak. You are strong, stand in your power. Be not afraid to confront the emotions that you have forward for so long. Live courageously and be the golden light for those who will look to you for guidance and strength. Arm yourself with love and courageously move towards the light that dwells within you.
Your power is great, fueled by the source that is all enveloping- your hands are powerful and your love is unequaled. The universal energy of love and light surrounds you in all you do. Love the power that is within you, but also love the difficult emotions that are within you deeply, for all are equal expressions of the energy that is source and they need your healing power. From this inner healing will come the greatest healing ever. I will heal you but you must allow. I will heal you with the greatest love- receive dear one all that I have. I love you like no other, you are mine. Allow me in, and receive my light and my healing. You are mine. You will do wonders. You are amazing.

The spark of divinity within you is igniting and shining forth a light for all to see, but it is not yet the brightness that you intend. It is exciting to see you unfolding, as the love that pours forth is recognized as the love that exists within you, as your true source. It is you. All of it is you, a reflection of this true love. To recognize this spark, this divinity that exists in all that surrounds you- in nature, in others, in creative energies that flow between you and through all that you are is the true source at work, this is love embodied. We urge you to seek more this spark within all that you encounter, blind yourself with the love that exists in the world, recognize ALL as love even that which seems unlovable.  ALL is love. Recognize that only love exists that there is never and will never be more than that source love. You are an instrument of this love, as is all creation- a medium for divine inspiration. Be the light that others seek so desperately- be bold, be brave, and be loud.  This is not an easy task for there is much hurt, much pain, much fear- yet ALL is love. All is seeking source love. All is dressed up as something different holding a space for the love that lives deep within- you must be brave to draw this light out of all that exists around you but your task lies only within you. You must seek first these places within and reveal the light that lives to emerge as the brightest flame in existence.

You recognize who you are and what you are being called to do but you allow judgement to dwarf and stop your movement forward. This is all part of the process, the process that you have come here to participate in and have agreed to undertake. It is all perfect and it is all as it should be. There is no right time, for there is no time at all, only what you perceive. There is no one right way, but many ways to experience the joy that you seek. It is all within you, always only with you, but you seek it outside of yourself, looking for validation from those around you and from the experiences that you manifest. You will not find true joy there and so thus these things become a disappointment to you. Again, this is part of the process and disappointment is one of the many emotions that you need resolution and care to dissolve.  You are complete and perfect just as you are, but it is difficult for you to see you perfection when it is guarded by all these emotions that you perceive to be here to protect you. You are safe always. You are loved always. Always you are perfectly loved and safe. You have chosen this. You will come to see and stand in your power as you are willing to allow, and receive all that has been provided for you, all that is truly known to you.   

August 21, 2015 Q: How is a distant family member going to do now?‏

Q: How is a distant family member going to do now?‏

(from a list of many questions) (As I started writing, I was aware of the words I was writing but my hands were flying across the keyboard faster than I could control, and I became aware as my fingers flew that I was responding to this question. What I got came in stages. Here was the first part:)

A: This distance you speak of is only within your realm and with within your imagination, there is not distance in the world, only that which we have created to keep us separated from the one that is, from each other, from the source that is within us all. We are all one facet of one source, and as such we are always connected. Distance means nothing once you are connected to the source that is within you. As such there is not distance, not ones here on earth from each other nor from those on earth to those whose bodies have left this plane. All is eternal and connected and alive in source.

 (At this point, my writing just sort of stopped and I became more tuned into the audio clip I had been listening to for the course I'm taking, and I fell back into that meditation. In the meditation, I began to see a woman's form- a medium build woman in her 50's-60's with dark shoulder-length wavy hair, bright eyes, and a beautiful smile. She was nodding her head and reaching out her hand. I became again aware of the question above and asked specifically whether this woman was related to this question. I got no further answer, and in fact the woman's image started to fade away for me. So I don't know for sure that this woman's spirit is related at all to the person or situation that drew this question, or more related to the work I was doing in the course, but I wanted to pass it along in case it is significant for whoever asked the question. I got this part later on, and again, had a hunch that it was in response to  this question, even though I did not specifically ask the question or even ask to confirm that I was writing in response to the question.)

 A: There will be rough patches, obstacles, many hurdles to overcome. This is what sustains us in life, and keeps us growing. Please understand that in these obstacles, we find opportunity for expansive growth and joy more abundant than ever could be without such obstacles and challenges. One must not look at the hurdles and obstacles as such, but as part of that which is necessary- that which exists in perfectness, in perfect balance with all that is joy and love. These things must occur and have already occurred in order to experience supreme joy and experience all that is in store for you., Each of you has chosen this time, this place, this life circumstance to come into. You did this with great excitement- for to experience all the emotions that are alive within us is an enormous opportunity for expansive growth and creation. It is all as it should be.

 (I hope whoever asked this can benefit from this somehow! I feel such great encouragement and light all around me in this moment as I write this sentence- and as I just stopped to read through what's been written, I feel a strong sense of love and truth. It resonates within ever part of my soul. )

August 29, 2015 Q: Why am I feeling like this?

Q: Why am I feeling like this?

A. You are love, so loved. The pain, the rejection, the fear, the abandonment- it’s all real and it needs your attention now. Feel these feelings without fear, allow yourself to experience all of these things. Cry, dear one, cry. Release the tears and drink in the big breaths of love that surround you, love is here to comfort you and keep you safe. Do not be afraid. Have faith. You are here to be loved and to love. Only love. Exhale and release the feelings of doubt and shame. Release what is in you, all that you carry for the many lives before you. Love and shine light on these feelings- all is here to be loved, every emotion, every experience is here to receive your love, every part of who you are and where you’ve been. Don’t hide or be fearful of the emotions and experiences you do not enjoy- they are all here to receive your love. Experience them, sit with them.

August 21, 2015 Q: What is the message I need to know for today?

Q: What is the message I need to know for today? 

I AM is in you, is a part of you. There is no doubt and there exists no fear, or shame, in the one I AM that is equally in all of us. We are all part of this one I AM. We seek to explore the emotions of this realm by living full lives, including all the extremes of emotions, including all the ranges of experiences. We seek to learn and grow from the one that is made you incarnate. Please seek out these experiences without delay, please live a full life, loving all in the one I AM and know that you are protected and loved in every moment. There is no reason to delay any decision before you, for there is nothing but perfection in all that you choose. Every second is a gift in this body. Every moment is another opportunity to seek joy through whatever experience you choose, or whatever creation you choose to create. You are perfection incarnate, the one I AM exists in you.

August 21, 2015 Q: Will I Be Alone Forever?

(I spent some time with this question and got a page and a half of chicken scratch. Crazy that I don't remember writing any of it- and my arm was buzzing long after I tore the page out. The whole process from meditation to when I stopped writing was 5 minutes- no wonder my arm was buzzing! I couldn't write that much that fast in 20 minutes if I tried, never mind actually delivering a message that resonates with me! I think I will try to type it out next time in stead of handwriting and see how it goes- tomorrow. I'm still freaked out about the past two days! The teacher did say to try to do it every day, so maybe you can help keep me in the questions. :)

Trying to decipher- this is what I think it says (correct spelling, punctuation and caps added where needed because I can't handle typing out what I just hand wrote in the way I wrote it) :

Q: Will I Be Alone Forever?

A: You are never alone. The angels, the heavens of angels, are always with you. You must only call on your guides and all the angles and you will be surrounded with abounding amounts of love and joy. You must never question that you are surrounded by love and abundance. Joy is not something that can be attained through someone else's heart but through loving your own heart, through connection to your source. The joy you seek is not going to come to you through the soul of another, but through your own soul, through connection to your source. Look within, spend time within, look no further for your answers- seek guidance from your guides and angels all around you. Your love is from source, the love you seek is within. Only once you have been able to love in this way will you be able to share your love with another and attain true joy (?) from that kinship. Seek no more. Love is provided to you always in a never-ending flow from source. When more is needed, more will be given. Without question, surrender to doubt and fear, love the source of life and love and light within you. Seek joy within and others will be drawn to the you that was created to bring forth such love. It is then that you will meet the soul meant to be the mirror of our joy, of the love that lies within. Trust in divine timing. Trust that you are always given what is needed when it is needed. You need this time now to love that which is within. The joy that has been created in you, as you, is meant to share in joy with another. Ask and trust. Fear no more. Spend time within and listen to your source, the love and joy within.

The Unfolding

This blogging thing is new to me- I mean I know what blogs are of course, and I love them, but I'm usually the one reading them, not creating them! I really never thought this would be something I'd want to do- always seemed like waaaay too much work to me.

But then in August I started on this really awesome and strange journey learning about channeling and since then I've started to acquire quite a collection of channeled writings. I've been emailing them to people I thought might be open and interested to it...and to my surprise and delight, I've found that list of open people to be a growing one. It seems that more and more people are waking up to the idea that we are waking up- which is a really cool thing to be part of, this earth awakening! 

Today my father asked if I would want to start saving the messages online and I guess I've decided it would probably be a much more efficient way of saving and sharing what comes through. I'm nervous about it, though- really, really, really nervous! The heart-beating-out-of-my-chest sort of nervous! It's the same issue I encounter when I'm channeling messages, the same little bugger that's been brewing storms since childhood...self-confidence. That is the boulder for me to crawl over, my stumbling block in most instances in life, really. I'm nervous about how I will be judged for what I've been practicing, I wonder how weird people will think I am for practicing this channeling thing, or what people will think about the messages that come through to me, and I worry a ton about how they will react to a message that they've asked for and received. You'd think I'd be over caring what people think, now that I'm pushing 40, but I'm very much a work in progress in many areas and this is a huge one for me. 
This idea of channeling was something so strange to me when I first heard of it from my brother, and I remember thinking it was cool, but strange and "out there". Eventually curiosity got me and I attended my first channeling class in Aug 2015, delivered an unexpected but well-received message for a classmate, and experienced first hand how truly cool it is. I've been hooked ever since. Channeling- being connected to the divinity within you, your higher self, and with your guides, and angels, and archangels- and having them work through you in whatever medium you use...well, there just aren't words for what that experience feels like. Some people say it feels like coming home, true bliss, pure love. Yes, all those words work, I suppose, but it's something much more palpable too, if there is such a thing. Some things you just cannot un-know, un-see, un-hear, un-feel...and gratefully, I have reached a point of no return; it would be easier for me to pretend that my hands and feet don't exist than it would for me to pretend that I don't know, see, hear, and feel what it is happening inside me with this new activity of channeling- and truly what's happening in all of us on earth right now as everyone's starting to awaken. I went out in search of questions. I texted friends and asked them to send me questions, and to ask their friends to send me questions. I asked some of my own questions (which is much harder for me I've found). I still have some queued up to answer, but I'm always on the lookout for more questions to practice with. 

When I channel, I start by meditating and at some point I can feel myself merge with what I only know as a loving, warm light. I literally feel swaddled in light and love, much like I imagine a baby feels all swaddled up against her mother. Some people who channel are aware of who they are channeling- a specific guide or spirit, a collective consciousness, angels or archangels. I have no idea. I've had some luck with mediumship and visiting spirits but  for me, that is not the same experience I have when I channel whoever it is I channel. I've asked and I get no name, no image, nothing like that- just the feeling and knowing that I am held and loved. And that is enough for me- it's absolutely perfect. Somehow I know that I'm not ready to know more than that and I'm sure that's precisely why I don't get more than that! I'm sure if I did know exactly what energy I was channeling, my left brain would take over and want to do research every time, And the energy changes- sometimes it comes through as soft and gentle and loving, sometimes with a fierceness and almost an impatience. I love it every time.  

Some people channel through their hands, many of them are healers or artists, Some people channel through their voice. I mostly channel through writing and typing, but I've been challenged lately to start relying on my voice more. Sometimes when I'm channeling questions for other people, I get images and messages come more like a story or a vision. Although I am conscious when I'm receiving messages, I'm not generally aware of the message that is coming through me- I catch a few words here and there, but I'm generally just as surprised as the receiver when I listen or read what has come through. I know my pen is moving or my fingers are typing on the keyboard, or my mouth is moving and sound is coming out, but my brain is somehow removed from the equation except for these functions. When I write or type, I sometimes have my eyes open and I can feel myself somewhat fixated on watching my fingers fly across the paper or keyboard, Sometimes when type I have my eyes closed and this is always a wonder to me since I use the hunt and peck method- it astounds me every time to look at something I've typed (mostly legibly) with my eyes closed. The few times that I have tried to voice channel without doing any writing or typing, I have a constant fluttering in my eyes and my hands want to be in constant motion- and those are the bodily movements I find myself fixated on as the message comes. Almost like my brain needs a distraction, a point of fixation in order to bring through a clear message from my heart, my source! For now, I seem to be most comfortable with writing. I have channeled through my voice a few times, and I will post transcripts of those. To listen to myself as I transcribe those voice channels, though, is painfully slow and brings up all kids of self-doubt and insecurities- I speak soooooo softly and slowly. At times I've literally had to replay the recording a dozen times at places in order to hear the word or phrase I said!  

The beauty of these messages that I will post here, and why I will share them even though they might not be a question that was asked specifically on your behalf, is that the underlying themes are universal. While there are specifics and synchronicities that make each message unique to the one meant to receive it- almost as a stamp of recognition for the receiver to know it's their message- there is also an underlying truth to everything that comes through. It's been the highlight of this experience  for me to see the common threads across messages that come for me and those that I receive for others. The message is consistently clear- we are all connected, we are all waking up, and we are deeply supported in love through this process. I hope you resonate with what you read here! But if you don't resonate with any parts of it, don't work too hard at it- skip over those parts and take away what's meant for you. You'll know right away what fits for you and what doesn't! You'll always know. 

If you have questions or something you'd like guidance on, I'd love to try to help. If you submit a question for me to seek guidance on, the only promise that I'll make- to you and to the source I'm receiving from- is that I will be honest with what comes through and trust that it's meant for you to receive it as it comes through, with only what will serve your highest good. 
Also, please understand when you ask the question, that I will post the response I receive on this public site- with any identifying information removed of course. After all, the answers you receive really are meant for all of us at some point in our journey, as connected as we are!   

Love and blessings to you on this awesome journey!