Thursday, September 8, 2016

What is the significance of the vivid flood of orange color that I'm seeing with regards to my specific client? How does it relate to her particular theme and experiences, and how can she use this specific information to expand and evolve in her life?

Your asking of this question serves only as external validation for what has already transpired, what has already come to be. Please understand that, in your practice, growth will not always be externally validated, but will always be present in the one who is willing to recieve. You've given great meaning to many things that are merely symbols of the growth and expansion that is ever present, always. Yet in this transmission to you today, because of your perceived need for validation of the healing that has already taken place and continues, let us serve as that confirmation to you now. Although, we will say to you, please do not let the color you see serve as a distraction for the healing that has taken place and continues to guide her through her soul's jorney forward.  Yes, you as the practioner have seen orange and the vividness you speak of is relevant only to you, as an outward sign  to symbolize the growth that you are witness to. This sign is for you to see and experience, and not necessarily for your client- if that were so, the experience would be hers to claim and explore.  In fact, what she has begun to experience is much more relevant for her life and her journey, for she will be experiencing an opening and a freedom that she's not allowed herself to experience for most of her life in this current earthen vessel. The work she has committed to doing on a higher level in healing and transforming her emotional and mental body has been quite powerful in bringing her more present into her physical body- this is in direct proportion to her to willingness to receive information from her higher mind, and in direct proportion to her commitment to aligning her physical, emotional, and mental body to that of her higher mind. She is becoming more aware of her infinite safety and security in this earthen vessel, despite all experiences that previously had her believing otherwise. She is coming to realize that experiences and circumstances do not define the essense of who she is as a divine being, and that her soul's essense exists regardless of what transpires in circumstances that she would perceive as part of her past, present, or future. She is starting to separate her experiences on this earth from the truth of who she really is as a brave and courageous being who willing chose to come and fulfill a theme on your plane, a mission of light and love, if you will. 
You continue to wonder about the color you were witness to. Orange, the symbol of your witnessing, symbolizes the transformation of blocked passion and creativity, the energy most predominant in the sacral energy center.  When a physical being allows for presence in the physical body, sensing the security and safety that is eternally present in the infinite essense of their being, there is a movement forward- an urge, a primal passion to create, an excitement for life. This is the infinite source of creation breathing life into its own essense, creating through its own creation, seeking to expand its own infinite awareness. Unbounded, this energy center becomes the seat of creation for the limitless passion, excitement and joy. Bounded, this center holds much anxiety, fear, and rage. It is relevant that she is experiencing the unblocking of this energy center, the unbounding of this passion and creative life force, as well as her root center, in order for her to ground her inutitive senses, experience compassion for those she has previously held captive in rage, and to further align her emotional body. Through this movement forward she will create opportunities and circumstances at an accelerated rate so that she will begin to perceive and know more of her true infinite essense, absent from her physical vessel and its experiences on this plane. Her creations in this way will enable her to act with confidence and power in that knowing of her infinite divinity. We wish to thank you for your service to this planet, for the evolution and expansion of the one infinite creator through your love and service to the beings here at this time. We would urge you to proceed with confidence, consciously creating in joy and gratiude as a service to all. 

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