Monday, January 11, 2016
Q: I learned that something might be medically wrong with me. What should I do?
There is nothing "wrong", as you say it, with any being alive on your planet! YOU all are facets of creation, of source energy, of your own divine making! How could you be anything less than perfect light and love? You forget dear one! So many of you forget! It is the game of your planet, this seperation game that seems to have you all so trapped in your physical bodies, so doused in such worry and fear of all that could happen to to you, such pain and recall of about things you have already experienced. Be now! Be all of that which you truly are, and call to you all of that which you truly are now, we say! Because you are free! You are free! If you would just remember who you are, and what you are! We know of the ailments that you ask about in physical body, and we say again that these are your creation-whether consciously chosen and agreed upon prior to your incarnation, or unconsciously chosen in your manifest form. Throughout the many lives and ages, yes, there has been much energy that has been bound up in your beings, in each of your cells, and also there are many lessons you agreed to when you reincarnated into this physical form. But the time is now to understand that there is no seperation. You are light. You are love. Whatever the reason that you experience discomfort, realize that every system is available to you for healing, both within your own physical body and within all of your creation and the beings manifested into your reality. You are free to consciously choose to heal anything you perceive as being bound, or ailing, or painful by remembering who you truly are, by recognize that all is of the light- even that which you judge to be bad or painful. ALL is of creation, of your divine creation, and therefore ALL must return to the light. There are lower frequencies of energy on your planet, yes, and this is what you perceive in emotions of fear, hopelessness, dread, worry and sometimes yes, these emotions might result from or even manifest physical pain or illness. You judge these as "bad" and "wrong" but we remind you that these too are part of source creation, are part of your divinity as a creation of source, and thus deserve your love as well. Explore the sides of you that you wish to not see and you will find only that which wishes to return to light!! Do it! Look fear in the eye, hold it tight and send it love, and return it to its source so that it can be transmuted into frequency of love. Look anxiety or despair in the eye, hold it tight and comfort it as you would a small child, and return it to its source so that it can be transmuted as frequencies of excitement. Look hopelessness or despair in the eye, hold it tight and console it as you might a grieving widow, and return it to its source so that it can be transmuted into endless frequencies of joy and wonder. You run from these emotions, and as a result call more to you that would have you stand face to face with them. They look only to return, do you not see? They wish to return to the light, as does all energy on your planet! You will manifest that which your being needs in order to return once again to source- all frequencies return to source, that is the end game! Return to source, you see? All of it, everything which might judge as good or bad, all of it! You have every power you need be one with source energy, and you are in fact limitless in your creations and your capacity to serve the light. Be bold and courageous. Step into your power now. Be who you are as a creation of source, of pure love and light made manifest. Stand in that power and recognize how you serve this creation through love and joy.
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