Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hoʻoponopono Love Letter

My Hoʻoponopono Love Letter

For your constance and safety, your truth, your voice, your unconditional love, your knowing, your desires, your passions, your creativity, your strength, your vision, for being the endless source of wellbeing and light. For being who and what I am, and showing me how I serve. 
Thank you.

For hiding you away so often, for fearing the immensity of your power and potential, for keeping you small and quiet to make others feel comfortable and safe around me. For turning away from you and ignoring your voice in search of acceptance and somehow forgetting your endless presence as the only acceptance I need. For the constant busy-ness and distraction, so often choosing doing over being with you. 
I’m sorry, please forgive me.

I am you. You are me. We are one.
I love you. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

How can we protect our kids?

Since we can't protect our kids with laws or guns, how about a different, more immediate, and totally free approach that is 100% within your power to do RIGHT NOW? How about we protect them by modeling for them what it looks like to courageously face their greatest fears by being honest with yourself and facing your own. Perhaps some will stop reading here because the pain and reality of this is so so big- and the suggested response seems so intangible. Then again, since nothing else we've tried is working, maybe there's a growing willingness to consider a new approach.

Let's start with the end and work our way back. What is it we fear most, what do we think our children need protection from? I'd be willing to bet that for most of us, our entire list of monsters (gunmen, illness, etc) all point to death, or the thought of our kids scared and alone without us there to save them. That second part, my kids being alone and scared- and my not being able to comfort them- that feels the biggest to me, how about you? I want my kids to know they're never really alone, that when they feel scared and alone, that connection and help and safety is always available to them- someone who knows their heart, who will understand their vulnerabilities and meet their greatest needs. And here's the kicker that feels the scariest to me: if I really want this for them more than I want to be the one who is providing it, then I have to admit that I'm not at all the person for the job. Ouch. I can admit that I cannot always physically be there for them-and even if I could be, I am no match for the fear that would arise from a gunman or cancer. And to add to that pain, I realize that there is no person at all who fits the bill for that job; that no parent, teacher, doctor, lawmaker, or spiritual leader will ever be able to be that person for my kids or anyone else. If I look deeply enough, I see that there is no person, law, gun, or security system that can possibly accomplish the comfort and security that I want for my kids to experience always. I'm realizing that they have to learn how to source their own power and voice, they have to realize an inner strength, peace, and connection that has nothing to do with me or anyone or anything else outside of them- and that my only true job as a parent is only to model that for them in my own life so that they can learn for themselves how to do it in theirs. This realization feels a a little like death to me, my primary identity as a mother and protector, gone. 

Let's explore the big one: death. It's hard to do, facing this primal fear. No one wants to talk about our gravest fears, especially not when it involves our children. But it's here, and more present than ever, so let's try to be honest with ourselves and have the hard talk, feel the big feels. Death, besides birth and belly buttons, is the only thing that will happen to every single body on this planet, regardless of age or demographic. Not one body is immune to death, no matter how young or old, no matter the painful or peaceful circumstances surrounding it, no matter where you live or what your religious beliefs are, no matter how much money you have,what kinds of products you use or health plan you follow, no matter what laws you support or what types of guns you have. Every single body dies- young or old, it will happen. For many that is scary as hell to admit- and for many of those people, even reading what I just wrote feels callous and heartless, albeit a known fact. And as a society, the fear and denial of death as a part of our process is palpable with the billions and billions of dollars pouring in from every direction to try to make it stop. But we all know it's not going to. In fact, it's quite the opposite- the phrase "what you resist persists" applies here. The more we fear it and push against the inevitability of physical death, the more the manifestation of it in physical reality attends to those fears by applying the same force. By trying to push death away and doing everything possible to avoid our deepest fears, we bring them closer and make them bigger, louder, scarier- until it gets unbearable and we have no option but to face what we've pushed so hard to avoid. We're there now. What we see right now manifested in this world is our very own creation. OUR creation, not theirs (whoever is being pegged as the scapegoat), only ours. Ours to claim response-ability for and ours to change if we choose- and we all have this ability to respond. So what do we DO to stop this momentum? What do we DO to respond and create real lasting change? We need to STOP doing and start EXPLORING and FULLY FEELING the beliefs and emotions we fear most. We're such a "doing" society- buying, efforting our way to resolutions that only can ever truly be resolved by facing the feelings and fears that create them. 

So what would happen if society tried a different approach and instead started to explore its fear of death? Instead of pushing it away and trying everything under the sun to avoid the single thing that is unavoidable for every body, what would it look like if society as a whole gave up the fight and had enough courage to face its fears head-on, and fully feel all the feelings that come up with that exploration? What would happen if we learn to do this for ourselves and allowed our kids to grow and learn how to do this naturally, without any interference from our unresolved fears and distorted belief systems? Like really, on a practical level, what would this look like? How and where do we start? 

Ghandi's "be the change you wish to see" is the only place we can start. It's a personal shift that involves very little time at first, doing nothing more than just being an observer of you. We think we have ourselves all figured out, but truly most of what we know about ourselves is a complex web of what has been told or taught to us- to start to unwind and get to the heart of who you really are, you have to spend time with yourself. No special postures to place yourself in or places to travel to, just spending time with yourself by tuning out the noise of the external world (the news, gossip, whatever swirling chaos is around you) and spending some quality time on the inner landscape. Get to know yourself, truly truly know yourself- start to notice how certain thoughts conjure up certain emotions, or start to let yourself feel some deep emotions in a big way and see what thoughts they bring up. This happens in the quietness of just sitting and being still, or in the growing awareness of your reactions to your environment as you move throughout your daily life. Just the recognition, the awareness that there is an inner landscape to who we are, is a huge step. And then, as the web of thoughts and emotions unwinds more and more with the time we spend genuinely interested in getting to know ourselves, as we trace our emotions back to thoughts and our thoughts back to the belief systems we've picked up along the way, we start to experiment with daring to look at and feel more. The more we experiment with looking at fears and fully feeling big emotions, the more we realize that we are capable of looking at and feeling anything while remaining perfectly safe, and the more we start to notice that, we're able to breathe a little easier in our daily life. A lightness begins to emerge that relieves some of the urgency and pressure we've felt, and a growing source of power within us lights up and reminds us that there is so much more than what we see. We start being less susceptible to the thoughts and opinions of those around us, less reliant on any outside forces to soothe and nourish us, and more reliant on our own inner knowing. Fear starts to loosen its hold as we realize that there is nothing in this world that can harm this deep true nature of who we are. We start to become our own source of power and strength, our own caregivers, our own best friend and one true love. Rooted in this place of security and love, we start to see this capability in others, start to recognize their true nature and appreciate the journey they're on. This is an individual journey, but because all of life is connected through and through, it is also a collective journey and so the vision doesn't stop with us.
Before long, overwhelming numbers of people start to sense and know that there is so much more to the body than the parts that can be seen, so much more than the parts that will pass away.  More and more, people dare to share what they're seeing, knowing and sensing, and together a realization forms that there exists in each of us, and collectively as one, an unending core essence, a source of this embodied life, a love and peace so deep that it's unshakable in the face of all circumstance. Collectively, we start to see who we really are and what we're capable of, apart from what we're told by the media and lawmakers, apart from the beliefs, fears, and coping strategies we learned along the way. And the more time we spend exploring this essence that never dies, this safety and comfort that has nothing to do with any external events or people, the more we start to feel the connection with all of life, with all that is and ever was, and our actions start naturally mirroring this knowing as we interact with earth and all that's on it. This process of anchoring into the true everlasting love that we are made of dissolves any lingering fears of death as our connection to life and its natural rhythms grows. There's an indescribable freedom and peace there in that place of connection, a love that radiates within and out in all directions. 

Do fears and tough feelings arise once in awhile to stir us up? Yup, that's our human story- looking at the fears head on, allowing and feeling everything they bring up for us is how we grow and change. Birth, death, rebirth- the pulse of life. Facing our feelings and fears won't kill us, it will let us live- fully, freely, and with passion.  
So how can you protect your kids? Show them by your example that you can face your greatest fears, that you can safely feel big scary things and express your biggest and scariest feelings without hurting any bodies in the process. Through your example, remind them how to tap into the their true nature so that they can more readily access this well-spring of love that is our birthright, so that they can touch the true source of love, comfort, and security regardless of any circumstances swirling around them. Anchor in truth, in your divinity, in life beyond physicality, in faith that there is a divine timing and rhythm to life. Anchor yourself, and then them, in love. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The primal scream

Growing up, our family went to the same amusement park every summer. And although I looked forward to it as one of the main highlights of every summer, I can look back and see I also dreaded it a bit- because every year I would listen to the part of me that was too scared to get on the scariest rides. If you're someone who has always liked scary rides, this story may not make sense to you, but those rides were terrifying to me- even from the ground. My best friend from childhood was someone who, as soon as she was tall enough, would hop right in line with my dad and my older brother. A huge part of me wanted to be there too with them. And a couple of times I actually did hop right in line with them, like I wasn't scared at all...and then I scooted right out once the pounding in my chest took over, or I got any hint of it being too late to bail out. And every single time, I would watch safely from the ground- desperately wanting to have the courage to be up there with them, in my head knowing that it must be incredibly thrilling (and even safe?) if so many people kept riding over and over again. Yet I still stood and watched, refusing everyone's prodding to just try. Year after year, for at least a decade of years when I was tall enough to have been up there with them, I looked on with jealousy as if I had no choice. When I was 16, as part of a big youth group trip to a huge amusement park, I succummbed to peer pressure and hopped in line. Ironically, the feeling I have right now sitting here at my desk in my quiet house while I write this is almost identical to the internal feelings I experienced that day. I will never forget what that was like- standing in line for that ride, knowing in your heart that you're actually finally going to do it, that you're determined to get on that damn ride and not sit this one out, even though you might just throw up waiting in line thinking about it. The thrill and the terror all at once as you watch people getting off talking about how amazing it was and how much you're going to love it, listening to them and wanting to believe that, but at the same time silently looking at all the crazy dangerous twists and turns and hearing the terrifying screams. Trying hard to convince yourself to stick with it, stay put despite what you see, watching people get back in line, and assuring yourself it has to be safe and fun if they keep going, trying hard to ignore the voice in your head that keeps pointing out the part of the ride that you can't even see- the part of the ride where you hear the most screams coming from. Then the moment that you're up, first in line, and you become convinced that you're actually really going to hurl from the amount of butterflies and who knows what else that seems to freaking out with you in your guts. That moment when you recognize that this is your very last chance to bail, and yet you stand still. Desperate with fear, but for once not running from it. Sitting in the seat, buckling in, reassuring yourself that you're truly not going to die, that you can do this.... the take off, the terrifyingly slow and crickety climb up what some part of you still thinks could be the plunge to your death....and then AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!! The release, the primal scream from somewhere deep inside you that you didn't even know existed until now, followed by the scream that comes from not knowing what else to do when your stomach threatens to exit your body. Oh my goodness, I hate that feeling, that horrible awful feeling in my stomach- the one I always dreaded and knew would be there, but really all you can do is scream to physically keep that feeling at bay. And so I screamed, louder and louder, longer and longer- all to keep away that feeling of my stomach flying up. But then I noticed something....for as much as I hated that feeling in my stomach, I was in love with that scream, that forceful release that feels so out of my control. In fact, in that quick moment, I realized that I love that scream more than I hate the feeling of my stomach flying up into my throat. So much so, in fact, that I realized I was still screaming even when were climbing again and not coming down anymore. So much so that, ever since that day, I have never gone to an amusement park and NOT ridden a roller coaster or something terrifying like it...and to this day I scream like a banchee from beginning to end, delighfully humiliating any child that happens to be graced with the seat next to me!

And so here I am today writing about and reliving this vivid memory, this part of my history that I realize now both existed in history and in this moment all at once, for this realization today: as much as I think I want safety, I don't. Although my pattern has been to hold on tightly to what feels secure and solid ground, what I truly crave is the thrill, the scream, the primal release that comes from going for something that feels so unsure and scary- trusting the voice in me that assures me it will all be fine and letting that bigger part of me take over and express how it needs to during the most terrifying parts, without any part of me needing to control or know the outcome. And I see now that the momentum builds; with every experience of this letting go and trusting, I can feel a sense of deep purpose and alignment and expansion that is greater than any fear, feeling, thought or emotion. It is my deepest desire, this freedom and this release.

Last night, at the request of Kyle Cease's book, I made a list of all the things that I want, all my deepest desires for this life. The list included some circumstantial things like treating my body better and traveling more, and some of those things I know will be natural by-products of what's happening for me, but mostly the list reflected the deep desire I have to live in my truth, to be authentic to who I truly know I am and the potential within me, rather than how the world has taught me to be, or how I've decided the world expects me to be. And this. Writing. This is one of the ways that I'm called to express in this world- this is my playground. And singing. God, what joy comes from me belting my voice out in devotion! Regardless of who is reading, lsitening or watching, I am intent on listening to and following my inner guidance, to acting consciously in every moment, truly listening for the voice that is me and turning down the volume of all the voices that are not. In the name of sweet freedom, out of love for this world and deep dedication to my calling, today marks a moment I am committed to breaking some habits and patterns that I have shackled myself to. This post today, and for the next 90 days at least, is my response to a deep calling within me to express myself as the infinite source that I know is truly me. This is my attempt to free myself from the self-imposed chains of fear and illusion that I've created through this safe and beautiful picture of a life. This is my white flag of surrender, my willingness to walk my rock-solid identity as I've known it into its certain death- I'm handing myself over to who and what I truly am, and how it is that I am to serve. I pledge to myself in this moment to live my truth.

For about a year now, I've been feeling overly comfortable with life- contentment to the point of complacency. Don't get me wrong- I recognize that I am playing in a great life- I have manifested myself into a safe and lucrative job, with a wonderful loving husband who has helped to create and raise 3 great kids, 2 sweet dogs, and 1 crazy cat in a comfortable home in an incredibly beautiful place with amazing experiences to draw upon. If I am 100% honest, which I determined to be here now, I will also say that I am also experiencing a level of disgust, frustration, and BOREDOM with the stagnation of this day to day beautiful and safe, yet mundane life that I've so perfectly created. I often say the mantra to myself, "I am happy, I am healthy, I am abundant, I am free" and I can see that circumstantially, when I look at my life, I have co-created exactly what I thought that mantra meant. And while deeply appreciative for the happiness, health, abundance and freedom that I enjoy in my life, I see now that I've barely even touched the surface of potential for what is available to me; I want more in a profoundly deeper way than I ever could have or ever will be able to imagine. I'm realizing that I'm done with playing small- and although it so totally excites me to have reached this point of surrender, it's terrifying all at the same time- terrifyingly exciting. I am totally and completely uninterested in continuing to be safe and comfortable at the cost of feeling alive and excited about life. I know that being comfortable and safe is not what I was called here to do or be. I (we) are built for so much more. At 41 I'm finally ready to hop on the real ride of life- I'm all done watching safely from the ground. I have zero idea what comes next, but I know it's going to be terrifyingly exciting and I think I really really love that.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Safety, stability, and security

What you are moving into with your new creations are of a higher frequency, a frequency where there is no tolerance for fear, no need for what you have always considered to be a stable, safe, or secure way of going about your life. What you are moving into with your new creations is a desire to be at the edge without attachment to outcome, without question about how you will be taken care of or what will come next- you are learning to embrace the unknown, learning to flourish in the face of anxiety over what comes next, learning the art of alchemy as you transform fear and anxiety into excitement and faith. You are learning that this way of life, standing at the edge and welcoming the unknown next step, trusting that the universe is always conspiring in your favor, is THE security and stability your soul has always craved. With the deep knowing that everything is as it should be at all times, that there is nothing you need to do or be in order to experience complete freedom in all your choices- simply choose in the moment that which brings you the most joy. As you experience these new energies that are coming to you, as you grow deeper in your faith of the universe and trust more in the unknown, you will find safety, stability, and security in simply being in union with your creations, one with the source and creator that you are.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Life is so much simpler than you would have it be with all your drama, your questions, your wonderings, your musings. You were born as a seeker, looking to return to source. But you were also born to experience life, and all the adventures of not knowing. The veil has purpose, the not knowing has a purpose! We laugh and enjoy your always wanting to know all the answers, because you have all the answers, you are the answer! You are creating the answers as you're thinking of the questions you're asking! And it's beautiful, this whole creation process. It feels safe to know, to be assured that you're doing everything right, but we would love you to experience the marvel of the unknown, the wondrous nature of  not knowing, not understanding, of being always at the edge of creation because you don't know! When you can do this, when you can stand at the edge of creation without knowing what will happen next, and still find joy, still know peace, it is then that you have discovered the most beautiful secret of all- fearlessness, and the freedom that exists within that fearlessness. You can relax and know that there's nothing that you need to do, there's nobody that you need to become, nothing you need to say, no one you need to please. It is all you, and you are perfect in everything that you do, everything that you say, and in just being who you are, as you are now. You are enough! This time of energetic ascension on your planet will have your answers manifesting at an exponential rate; your creations are fast and furious, faster in fact than perhaps your physical, emotional, and mental bodies are comfortable with in some regards. Yet they're here nonetheless, these creations. Be mindful of your thoughts, knowing that what you think about and make decisions or form beliefs around, is what you create. And in what you think about, we encourage you not to attend to outcomes, but attend instead to the qualities, the frequencies, that you wish to create- whether that be love, peace, freedom, excitement. There is nothing that is not available to you already- no experience, no frequency, truly no thing- but know that the "thing" that you call to you through your thoughts are not what you are seeking, but rather the quality or frequency that you seek to experience from the having or experiencing of that "thing". We encourage you to spend time during your days tapping into your desired frequency directly, without perceiving any particular outcome, without knowing how that frequency will manifest in your life. And then move on with your day, your mind at ease with the knowing that you have created that which brings along with it that frequency, Observe the moments throughout your day when you are experiencing this identified frequency, notice the syncronicities that come with this alignment, and you will experience supreme gratitude and appreciation for the creator nature that you are, which in turn will cause you to be evermore proficient at focusing in on these desired frequencies that you effortlessly tune into. You are beautful and perfect, just as you are. We ask you to please go within, when you question, or when you feel a struggle. The answers are there, and if you have any desire at all for assistance, know that it is abundant all around you. Aspects of you in the form of guides, ascended masters, angels, and archangels- literally dominions waiting to support you if you would only just ask. Ask them to guide you through your daily intentions, ask them to guide you through the opportunities that present themselves to you throughout your days, ask them to make clear the paths that are available to you and the energetics that are behind those paths will become known to you so that you can make choices based on desired energetic frequencies rather than on what you are seeing circumstantially. We encourage you to look beyond any circumstances at all that you see around you, whether that be your own reflection in the mirror, upon your neighbor's face, or on the screens before you. These circumstances are but refelctions of past creations. Create anew! Create anew now because that's what you came to do! Ignore what you see before you and create anew. We say to you again: find the frequency that you desire and choose to respond to that frequency only. Your desired path will be made clear to you in these ways. And remember always that all paths are perfect. You cannot make a mistake! Any so called mistake is simply a new route, a strengthening, an opportunity to transform. You will wake up to the powerful creator that you are. You will realize that you have all the answers to any question within you. You will see yourself as perfect, just as you are. And in those moments, you will lift up all those around you, simply by being. And THAT is the simple miracle of creation, that's the simple beauty of your life, that by existing AS YOU ARE, as the creator that you came here to be, you can carry along and lift other aspects of yourself into love and light. As a planet, you are doing this now. We are raising the consciousness of this planet, now in this moment, together, just by being. You are supported. We are supported. We are one. And we are love.                    

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What specifically is the warm glowing feeling I have in my chest and what should I do with it?

The glowing feeling you refer to is the expanding of your heart chakra into the beginnings of blue ray energy. As your earth moves into fourth density, 5th dimension, so too are the beings on it. You are beginning to receive earth's energy and the outpouring of its love in your physical bodies. This has been happening over the course of the last two decades and will continue for many decades to come, creating the new earth. You are only love, you are made of only pure love light energy. Your physical vehicles translate, through the energy centers in your body, the sensations of love light energy. The sensations you experience are just that- experiences of the infinite one creator's consciousness, which in its present form takes on all aspects of what you perceive to be so in your reality. The physical sensations of your body, your experiences, and the emotions that you feel, are in direct proportion to each other. Your experiences are filtered through the emotional body. Emotions that you might perceive as negative in nature can be translated to be those experiences or beliefs which are not in alignment with your true nature, with your wholeness, your true beingness, as perceived by your higher self as an aspect of the one infinite creator. Likewise, emotions that you would perceive as being positive in nature are the result of experiences tht you have created in your environment that are IN alignment with what your higher self knows to be true about you. In this way, your experiences-which you create around you- can be filtered through your emotional guidance system. Your emotions will tell you if you are in alignment with your true nature or if you are holding on to some lack beliefs about who and what you are or how you are to serve during your time here in this incarnation. You are all aspects of the infinite one creator. You are all love. You are all light.That's all there is. You create experiences for yourself to help you learn more about yourself as an aspect of the infinite one creator. You create experiences for yourself, believe it or not, that help you to wake up to your divinity as an aspect of the one infinite creator. And at other times you actually create experiences that will keep you asleep because there is far more growing to do, and the growth happens in the waking up and in the waking up of others. You are born already awake, as you actually are, and then through patterns in your experience that you create from a higher level, you forget who you are. You get taught and programmed very differently than what is actually true for you as an aspect of the one infinite creator....but it is all incredibly necessary in  order for you to forget and reawaken to who you truly are. Choice, free will, IS the game of this planet, and if you knew from the beginning who you really were, who you really are, who you will always be, there would be no choice- you would always, always, choose love-  there would be no waking up, actual real choice, there would be no conflict or contrast that you find so exciting as part of the transformational process! And so beings from a multitude of dimensions look on to watch you in awe, in fascination, because they don't know any different than love and light, The contrast of your planet, the contrast of a free will planet such as yours, offers such amazing excitement in the transformational process- something that is not found on any other planet. There are beings here to support you, you may call them angels, you may call them guides, you may call them extraterrestrials- what you call them hardly matters, but these beings fom a multitude of dimensions are here to support you in your transformation, in your remembering of who you are. Each of them is also an aspect of the one infinite creator, because that's all that there is, and each of them is on their own journey. and in this way you are supporting them in their journeys and they lessons they are learning. There are also beings from those multitudes of dimensions who some on your planet may perceive as negative, but remember that there is only love and light. There is nothing more- no negative, no positive- that is a belief, a construct you have created, programming that has kept you small and believing yourselves to be powerless; there is just different perspectives and aspects of the one infinite creator. These beings, which some may perceive as negative are indeed service to self-oriented, as opposed to the service to other oriented beings that you identify as being positive, are only assisting you in waking up by providing the great contrast. Although their actions may seem upsetting, and their decisions not for the greater good, they are indeed serving you by providing contrast and allowing you to see your soul's true calling as a service to others/service to all being. Your experience of their actions, their words, show you clearly where your emotional triggers are, and thus what beliefs are looking to be transformed for the benefit of all. They help to show you back to the love and the light that you truly are.  The question comes up about the glowing light within you, about how to utilize it, and we would like to offer that yes, engaging with this inner light is the process human beings engage in when they channel through artwork, writing, dance, and meditation. It is getting in touch with the highest part of yourself, the highest range of your being that you have access to through human communication, and in that process, letting the human egoic aspect of your physcal vessel take a backseat. Everyone has access to this. Everyone who is willing can become quiet and still and begin to notice the awareness within them that is always present. Anyone who is willing can begin to become aware that awareness exists at all times, even when no one is aware of it. Becoming conscious that this awareness exists at all times, and a desire to tune into this deep awareness more frequently, is the beginning of the awakening within. Each of you have access to it all the time because it does exist all the time,The more that any of you tune into this awareness, the more that you sit with this awareness, the more easily you access information of your higher self...through words, through experiences, through emotions- especially peacefulness, love.  As your planet itself speeds up in its ascension and moves into the 4th density, 5th dimention, the desire to tune into this awareness will become more prominent among the beings who live on it, and the evolution of a new earth enevitable. Beings who are able to tune into this awareness within, the conscsiousness of the one infinite creator, will begin to feel more at ease, more centered. They will be observed as grounded amidst the chaos. They will see the chaos, have care and compassion for those experiencing the chaos, but they will not be swept up in it like a tornado. They will see that those wrapped in the chaos are also creating the chaos, which is serving their own journey of growth. At the same time they will recognize their stability in the storm as a tool for grounding others who are on the same path, They will recognize the truth of the limitless nature of their being, of their infinite joy, health, abundance and freedom. For there is only love, there is only light. Everything, absolutely every thing that exists, every circumstance that you experiemce, has been created by you and for you, to serve your highest purpose. There is no lack, there is nothing but love.  All is here to serve love and light and to return you to that knowing.  

Thursday, September 8, 2016

What is the significance of the vivid flood of orange color that I'm seeing with regards to my specific client? How does it relate to her particular theme and experiences, and how can she use this specific information to expand and evolve in her life?

Your asking of this question serves only as external validation for what has already transpired, what has already come to be. Please understand that, in your practice, growth will not always be externally validated, but will always be present in the one who is willing to recieve. You've given great meaning to many things that are merely symbols of the growth and expansion that is ever present, always. Yet in this transmission to you today, because of your perceived need for validation of the healing that has already taken place and continues, let us serve as that confirmation to you now. Although, we will say to you, please do not let the color you see serve as a distraction for the healing that has taken place and continues to guide her through her soul's jorney forward.  Yes, you as the practioner have seen orange and the vividness you speak of is relevant only to you, as an outward sign  to symbolize the growth that you are witness to. This sign is for you to see and experience, and not necessarily for your client- if that were so, the experience would be hers to claim and explore.  In fact, what she has begun to experience is much more relevant for her life and her journey, for she will be experiencing an opening and a freedom that she's not allowed herself to experience for most of her life in this current earthen vessel. The work she has committed to doing on a higher level in healing and transforming her emotional and mental body has been quite powerful in bringing her more present into her physical body- this is in direct proportion to her to willingness to receive information from her higher mind, and in direct proportion to her commitment to aligning her physical, emotional, and mental body to that of her higher mind. She is becoming more aware of her infinite safety and security in this earthen vessel, despite all experiences that previously had her believing otherwise. She is coming to realize that experiences and circumstances do not define the essense of who she is as a divine being, and that her soul's essense exists regardless of what transpires in circumstances that she would perceive as part of her past, present, or future. She is starting to separate her experiences on this earth from the truth of who she really is as a brave and courageous being who willing chose to come and fulfill a theme on your plane, a mission of light and love, if you will. 
You continue to wonder about the color you were witness to. Orange, the symbol of your witnessing, symbolizes the transformation of blocked passion and creativity, the energy most predominant in the sacral energy center.  When a physical being allows for presence in the physical body, sensing the security and safety that is eternally present in the infinite essense of their being, there is a movement forward- an urge, a primal passion to create, an excitement for life. This is the infinite source of creation breathing life into its own essense, creating through its own creation, seeking to expand its own infinite awareness. Unbounded, this energy center becomes the seat of creation for the limitless passion, excitement and joy. Bounded, this center holds much anxiety, fear, and rage. It is relevant that she is experiencing the unblocking of this energy center, the unbounding of this passion and creative life force, as well as her root center, in order for her to ground her inutitive senses, experience compassion for those she has previously held captive in rage, and to further align her emotional body. Through this movement forward she will create opportunities and circumstances at an accelerated rate so that she will begin to perceive and know more of her true infinite essense, absent from her physical vessel and its experiences on this plane. Her creations in this way will enable her to act with confidence and power in that knowing of her infinite divinity. We wish to thank you for your service to this planet, for the evolution and expansion of the one infinite creator through your love and service to the beings here at this time. We would urge you to proceed with confidence, consciously creating in joy and gratiude as a service to all. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Q: When I met him something extraordinary, unexpected and totally cliche happened, there was a shift I noticed, or an energy, or an aura I collided with or something. I've never experienced that before with anyone. So I want to know what the heck was that and what does it mean? Because I can't seem to put it out of my mind.

Have you ever been in a room and known right way, without exchanging words, that you would connect with one person or another more than another? Yes! You all have a signtaure vibration, a vibratory field that can be read by one another much the way that bees find their way to and from from their hive and from flower to flower. There are signature frequencies that you cannot see that you are emitting at all times and there are signature frequencies that you can see, which exist as matter. A density of light frequencies come together to create the forms that you see before you, which will be a conversation about creation for another time. You must know that you all have a specific soul frequenecy, that you are beings of light, but did you know that your being cannot be contained within your bodily form? Did you know that the being of who you are extends far beyond what you can see with your physical eyes, or touch with your physical hands? Your being cannot be contained in such small vessels, for you are infinite in nature! You resonate with the frequency of pure light and that simply cannot be contained. All the beings that incarnate on this earth have a signature frequency, the essense of their soul that extends beyond their earthly form and sends out a vibration specific to only them as part of infinite source. Some of these frequencies are quite similar to yours and some are quite discordant, and regardless of which it might be that you encounter, all beings that come into your awareness do so to create movement or act as confirmation of the movement forward you're already making. Often times, when the moments with these beings seem fleeting but quite extraordinary, it is pointing you to a major shift in timelines, a portal opening so to speak, where new opportunities for growth exist to wake you up out of stagnant rituals and patterns. These moments are strategic to your growth and evolution, there to propel you further in your journey. On earth, there is talk of these moments of recognition or experiences with beings of similar frequency as being an experience of meeting your twin flame or soul mate. These phrases hold some truth but are overly romanticized in many ways and it would be more helpful for you to see the truth behind the words that these phrases represent. There are many agreements among souls prior to incarnating and all of you exist on this earth within soul families that you agreed to incarnate with; many of you know that you met these soul families at birth and many others of you realize that you've met them along your life's journey. The truth is that all of you have had a combination of both in some regard, for you all had prior agreements before incarnating to abide and grow in some capacity with the people who have played across your life's stage. These characters, whether by prior agreement or as the result of your higher-self's wake-up call to you, are strategically placed along your journey to guide you towards your being's signature expression. And the full range of emotions have been strategically gifted to you as a compass when you have forgotten your way; feeling the emotions fully, all of them, and recognizing where they point you to is the key to experiencing the fullness of life, your true nature of joy, freedom, health and abundance that you are as an expression of infinite source. Beings that meet one another in recognition of similar soul frequency can often experience bliss and joy, and simultaneously quite the opposite as well, with feelings of guilt and shame rising to the surface. In either case, honestly acknowledging and fully experiencing the emotions that arise becomes the goal in these encounters- such is the case with all experiences on earth! Recognizing that any emotions of lower vibration, such as guilt, shame, fear exist equally in infinite oneness with love, freedom, and joy is part of the wake up call that all earthly souls are starting to hear. The recognition that fear exists to point you to freedom, that lack exists to points you to abundance, that sadness exists to point you to joy, that anger exists to point you to love, that pain exists to point you to health, that anxiety exists to point you to passion. Recognize that all exists as part of infinite source, thus as part of you, and as such there can be no mistakes made. And although you will choose continuously in each moment, you cannot ever choose incorrectly, for all inevitably exists to move you along towards your soul's highest growth and evolution. This is what is meant by divine will, and it exists concurrently with free will.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Q: I learned that something might be medically wrong with me. What should I do?

There is nothing "wrong", as you say it, with any being alive on your planet! YOU all are facets of creation, of source energy, of your own divine making! How could you be anything less than perfect light and love? You forget dear one! So many of you forget! It is the game of your planet, this seperation game that seems to have you all so trapped in your physical bodies, so doused in such worry and fear of all that could happen to to you, such pain and recall of about things you have already experienced. Be now! Be all of that which you truly are, and call to you all of that which you truly are now, we say! Because you are free! You are free! If you would just remember who you are, and what you are! We know of the ailments that you ask about in physical body, and we say again that these are your creation-whether consciously chosen and agreed upon prior to your incarnation, or unconsciously chosen in your manifest form.  Throughout the many lives and ages, yes, there has been much energy that has been bound up in your beings, in each of your cells, and also there are many lessons you agreed to when you reincarnated into this physical form. But the time is now to understand that there is no seperation. You are light. You are love. Whatever the reason that you experience discomfort, realize that every system is available to you for healing, both within your own physical body and within all of your creation and the beings manifested into your reality. You are free to consciously choose to heal anything you perceive as being bound, or ailing, or painful by remembering who you truly are, by recognize that all is of the light- even that which you judge to be bad or painful. ALL is of creation, of your divine creation, and therefore ALL must return to the light. There are lower frequencies of energy on your planet, yes, and this is what you perceive in emotions of fear, hopelessness, dread, worry and sometimes yes, these emotions might result from or even manifest physical pain or illness. You judge these as "bad" and "wrong" but we remind you that these too are part of source creation, are part of your divinity as a creation of source, and thus deserve your love as well. Explore the sides of you that you wish to not see and you will find only that which wishes to return to light!! Do it! Look fear in the eye, hold it tight and send it love, and return it to its source so that it can be transmuted into frequency of love. Look anxiety or despair in the eye, hold it tight and comfort it as you would a small child, and return it to its source so that it can be transmuted as frequencies of excitement. Look hopelessness or despair in the eye, hold it tight and console it as you might a grieving widow, and return it to its source so that it can be transmuted into endless frequencies of joy and wonder. You run from these emotions, and as a result call more to you that would have you stand face to face with them. They look only to return, do you not see? They wish to return to the light, as does all energy on your planet! You will manifest that which your being needs in order to return once again to source- all frequencies return to source, that is the end game! Return to source, you see? All of it, everything which might judge as good or bad, all of it!  You have every power you need be one with source energy, and you are in fact limitless in your creations and your capacity to serve the light. Be bold and courageous. Step into your power now. Be who you are as a creation of source, of pure love and light made manifest. Stand in that power and recognize how you serve this creation through love and joy.    

Monday, January 4, 2016

How can I know that I'm doing what I should be doing?

It's time. NOW is the time, as never before. You know what you must do. In your being, in your deepest being, you KNOW. We understand your doubt, and we support you through the disbelief of all that is coming into your reality, but you know you have called it here- every bit of it and you are more than worthy to accept all that is if only you will receive. YOU know, your true self knows, YOU are in your knowing that everything you are doing is right, that which is before you has been called to you for a reason- all that is happening in this reality is as it should be to help you evolve and to help this earth plance ascend. You are needed. Your work, your soul's purpose that has been made crystal clear to you at this particular time in your soul's journey, is necessary for your soul's evoulution, necessary for this planet's evolution. But we know that you know all this already, your soul recognizes the truth in what we bring to you this moment, what we have been revealing to you all along. And we thank you deeply for the work that you have done already, the growth and healing that you have inspired in so many. More will come and more will be healed, more will be revealed to you. That work is just beginning for you, your success will be multiplied many times over and this planet will evolve and ascend because of your great works. We know you understand, dear one, that what you are doing for yourself, what you are doing for one, you are doing for all. Remember then, in that same way, that when you place faith in what is, in what you are being called to do, then you will be guided and supported accordingly and all will be as the one.  This we know is not what your ego is asking. Your mental body would have you ask: how? when? How will I be successful? When will I be successful? NOW we say, NOW! The time is now and you are doing it. You know how! What is success but to live by one's truth with honor and integrity, to heal others and lead them to their truth? That is the work of a master, dear one, and you are successful when you  receive IN EACH MOMENT what has been gifted to you- the sunset, the smile, the food upon your table. Remember that you are deeply loved and supported, this journey is one which was agreed upon before your incarnation, and each moment a creation of your own making. There is much truth in your life. There is much that will be shed too, many old thoughts and rules and programming that are to be released as you ascend. This will happen, and you will know exactly what, who, when as these needs arise. Choose love in each moment, IN EACH MOMENT. Be still and choose love. Love is available IN EACH MOMENT if you receive. Listen to your body. Rest when you need a restful moment, and be loving to yourself. There are times when you push yourself too hard and place upon yourself the needs of others- their needs will be met, as will all, that is not of your concern. Each has their own journey and theirs is not yours.  You struggle with this but it need not be so. Listen to your body, be in alignment with spirit- concentrate on aligning yourself with source, and choose love always. ALWAYS.  In difficult moments, be honest with what your body and your emotions are telling you and respond with curiosity as to what love is trying to show you, what love is trying to clear for you. Clearing will happen as you face these moments with honesty and love. Remember, dear one, that all is here to direct us to love, showing us back to our true divine source. You are a powerful, loving, and creative expression of your divine source to which you will return, and show the way home to many along the way.  

Monday, November 23, 2015

What is your guidance for me at this juncture in my life?

You feel called in so many directions, so much excites you! That is wonderful news! You are having a grand time enjoying all that you're learning and you are in awe of all that is unfolding and happening before your eyes. Why do you long for more than that? The idea that you should be doing more or the idea that you might not being doing enough is not an idea born of love- that is born of fear. Follow your heart and your guidance will come.  This is your soul's purpose, to stand in awe of the creations around you- to stand in awe of all that you are in the this world, both as the creator of all that lies before you and as the perfect expression of the creator as source of all that you are. You know what you are called to do, you are doing it. You are hesitant, yes, but you are doing it and you are loving it. You have to let go of the final threads of fear and worry not about being judged- you are getting there. You are seeking what is being put before you. You are healing yourself and others in the work that you are doing and you know that you are loved. This is a grand plan! This is marvelous work to know all that stands before you and see your highest love and truth being called forth in all your creations! Marvel at your worth, marvel at your creations and delight in the love that is all around you.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015 Q: What is my next career move?

(from a friend's list of other questions that I think had many tie-ins here too; strong native American energy coming through; eagle and wolf made an appearance- very strong and clear energy with a fierceness to it that I don't always get)

 A: You are never alone. The angels, the heavens of angels, are always with you. You must only call on your guides and all the angles and you will be surrounded with abounding amounts of love and joy. You must never question that you are surrounded by love and abundance. Joy is not something that can be attained through someone else's heart but through loving your own heart, through connection to your source. The joy you seek is not going to come to you through the soul of another, but through your own soul, through connection to your source. Look within, spend time within, look no further for your answers- seek guidance from your guides and angels all around you. Your love is from source, the love you seek is within. Only once you have been able to love in this way will you be able to share your love with another and attain true joy (?) from that kinship. Seek no more. Love is provided to you always in a never-ending flow from source. When more is needed, more will be given. Without question, surrender to doubt and fear, love the source of life and love and light within you. Seek joy within and others will be drawn to the you that was created to bring forth such love. It is then that you will meet the soul meant to be the mirror of our joy, of the love that lies within. Trust in divine timing. Trust that you are always given what is needed when it is needed. You need this time now to love that which is within. The joy that has been created in you, as you, is meant to share in joy with another. Ask and trust. Fear no more. Spend time within and listen to your source, the love and joy within.