Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hoʻoponopono Love Letter

My Hoʻoponopono Love Letter

For your constance and safety, your truth, your voice, your unconditional love, your knowing, your desires, your passions, your creativity, your strength, your vision, for being the endless source of wellbeing and light. For being who and what I am, and showing me how I serve. 
Thank you.

For hiding you away so often, for fearing the immensity of your power and potential, for keeping you small and quiet to make others feel comfortable and safe around me. For turning away from you and ignoring your voice in search of acceptance and somehow forgetting your endless presence as the only acceptance I need. For the constant busy-ness and distraction, so often choosing doing over being with you. 
I’m sorry, please forgive me.

I am you. You are me. We are one.
I love you.