Monday, March 20, 2017

Safety, stability, and security

What you are moving into with your new creations are of a higher frequency, a frequency where there is no tolerance for fear, no need for what you have always considered to be a stable, safe, or secure way of going about your life. What you are moving into with your new creations is a desire to be at the edge without attachment to outcome, without question about how you will be taken care of or what will come next- you are learning to embrace the unknown, learning to flourish in the face of anxiety over what comes next, learning the art of alchemy as you transform fear and anxiety into excitement and faith. You are learning that this way of life, standing at the edge and welcoming the unknown next step, trusting that the universe is always conspiring in your favor, is THE security and stability your soul has always craved. With the deep knowing that everything is as it should be at all times, that there is nothing you need to do or be in order to experience complete freedom in all your choices- simply choose in the moment that which brings you the most joy. As you experience these new energies that are coming to you, as you grow deeper in your faith of the universe and trust more in the unknown, you will find safety, stability, and security in simply being in union with your creations, one with the source and creator that you are.