Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Life is so much simpler than you would have it be with all your drama, your questions, your wonderings, your musings. You were born as a seeker, looking to return to source. But you were also born to experience life, and all the adventures of not knowing. The veil has purpose, the not knowing has a purpose! We laugh and enjoy your always wanting to know all the answers, because you have all the answers, you are the answer! You are creating the answers as you're thinking of the questions you're asking! And it's beautiful, this whole creation process. It feels safe to know, to be assured that you're doing everything right, but we would love you to experience the marvel of the unknown, the wondrous nature of  not knowing, not understanding, of being always at the edge of creation because you don't know! When you can do this, when you can stand at the edge of creation without knowing what will happen next, and still find joy, still know peace, it is then that you have discovered the most beautiful secret of all- fearlessness, and the freedom that exists within that fearlessness. You can relax and know that there's nothing that you need to do, there's nobody that you need to become, nothing you need to say, no one you need to please. It is all you, and you are perfect in everything that you do, everything that you say, and in just being who you are, as you are now. You are enough! This time of energetic ascension on your planet will have your answers manifesting at an exponential rate; your creations are fast and furious, faster in fact than perhaps your physical, emotional, and mental bodies are comfortable with in some regards. Yet they're here nonetheless, these creations. Be mindful of your thoughts, knowing that what you think about and make decisions or form beliefs around, is what you create. And in what you think about, we encourage you not to attend to outcomes, but attend instead to the qualities, the frequencies, that you wish to create- whether that be love, peace, freedom, excitement. There is nothing that is not available to you already- no experience, no frequency, truly no thing- but know that the "thing" that you call to you through your thoughts are not what you are seeking, but rather the quality or frequency that you seek to experience from the having or experiencing of that "thing". We encourage you to spend time during your days tapping into your desired frequency directly, without perceiving any particular outcome, without knowing how that frequency will manifest in your life. And then move on with your day, your mind at ease with the knowing that you have created that which brings along with it that frequency, Observe the moments throughout your day when you are experiencing this identified frequency, notice the syncronicities that come with this alignment, and you will experience supreme gratitude and appreciation for the creator nature that you are, which in turn will cause you to be evermore proficient at focusing in on these desired frequencies that you effortlessly tune into. You are beautful and perfect, just as you are. We ask you to please go within, when you question, or when you feel a struggle. The answers are there, and if you have any desire at all for assistance, know that it is abundant all around you. Aspects of you in the form of guides, ascended masters, angels, and archangels- literally dominions waiting to support you if you would only just ask. Ask them to guide you through your daily intentions, ask them to guide you through the opportunities that present themselves to you throughout your days, ask them to make clear the paths that are available to you and the energetics that are behind those paths will become known to you so that you can make choices based on desired energetic frequencies rather than on what you are seeing circumstantially. We encourage you to look beyond any circumstances at all that you see around you, whether that be your own reflection in the mirror, upon your neighbor's face, or on the screens before you. These circumstances are but refelctions of past creations. Create anew! Create anew now because that's what you came to do! Ignore what you see before you and create anew. We say to you again: find the frequency that you desire and choose to respond to that frequency only. Your desired path will be made clear to you in these ways. And remember always that all paths are perfect. You cannot make a mistake! Any so called mistake is simply a new route, a strengthening, an opportunity to transform. You will wake up to the powerful creator that you are. You will realize that you have all the answers to any question within you. You will see yourself as perfect, just as you are. And in those moments, you will lift up all those around you, simply by being. And THAT is the simple miracle of creation, that's the simple beauty of your life, that by existing AS YOU ARE, as the creator that you came here to be, you can carry along and lift other aspects of yourself into love and light. As a planet, you are doing this now. We are raising the consciousness of this planet, now in this moment, together, just by being. You are supported. We are supported. We are one. And we are love.